Important Security Update: New Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Sign-In Process
To enhance your data security, we’re updating our Client Tools login process. Starting January 20, 2024, you’ll need to complete a one-time setup for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when you first log in.
What to Expect
After January 20th, Using your current Client Tools email, simply follow the on-screen prompts to complete a quick, one-time setup by clicking Sign-Up. Once complete, you’ll log in securely with both your password and an additional verification step.
Why MFA?
MFA provides a stronger defense by requiring both a password and a one-time verification, making your information more secure.
Getting Ready for the Change
To ensure a smooth transition, please work with your IT team to whitelist the Microsoft URL that will be used for identity management. This will allow you to access the new sign-in process without interruptions.

Whitelist the Required URLs
Ensure your network allows access to these URLs:
- identity.professionalcredit.com
- clienttools.professionalcredit.com
- gov.professionalcredit.com
- clienttools.en-source.com
- pcsb2cstorage.blob.core.windows.net
- professionalclienttools.b2clogin.com
- code.jquery.com
- maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com
- cdnjs.cloudflare.com
- aadcdn.msftauthimages.net

Ensure Email Delivery
Verify that your system can receive emails from msonlineservicesteam@microsoftonline.com to complete the MFA setup process.
What to do After January 20th
We’ve made updates to the login screen as part of this transition. If you don’t clear your browser cache, you may see the outdated login screen. Clearing your cache after ensures you access the updated screen and functionality.
Before MFA Screen

After Setting MFA Screen

Need Assistance?
Our support team is available to help you through this transition.
If you have questions, please contact us at 888-797-4916