Sneak Peek: Renewed Revenue at AZ HFMA’s Fall Conference

Professional’s Regional Development Director, Cally Christensen, is delivering a presentation on the topic of Renewed Revenue at today’s AZ HFMA Virtual Fall Conference event and we’ve got the goods in advance. Here is a sneak peek of the three key areas she will tackle in today’s presentation.

Resource Shortages

Patient numbers have increased back to levels we saw at the onset of the pandemic, putting a strain once again on essential resources like Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and ventilators.

Additionally, healthcare staff is resigning in record numbers. COVID burnout is affecting the mental health of providers and nurses, pushing some of them to quit the industry entirely. This has created a staffing shortage which compounds the care crisis by further limiting resources.

Health systems are having no other choice but to make hard decisions to prioritize the care of some over others.

Who is getting hit the hardest? What is the long-term impact?

Time to Bring in the Bots

Technologies like automation and machine learning can be applied to various administrative tasks to help offset some of the burdens on internal teams. When applied to aspects of the revenue cycle, these technologies don’t just alleviate some of the task burdens, they can also improve internal processes.

Learn the difference between automation and machine learning.

Discover how bot technologies can be applied to day-to-day revenue cycle duties.

Taking Full Advantage of Existing Resources

 Maximizing existing resources is a key part of any revenue-boosting strategy. EMR systems are one of the greatest resources health systems have, but many aren’t taking full advantage of their capabilities. Optimization and clean-up efforts are cost-effective ways to improve revenue cycle operations while freeing up administrative staff.

Discover the 6 key areas for EMR optimization.

Ready to learn more? Tune into Cally’s presentation, Renewed Revenue, today at AZ HFMA’s Virtual Fall Conference.

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