Consumer Trends: The Push for Government to Go Digital

Current trends for government and public services illustrate how advances in technology are reshaping operations and expectations for service. Automation and connectivity appear to be an essential part of transformations across all areas of operations, from back-office tasks and data management to consumer services and account administration. Perhaps not surprisingly, much of the push for local governments to go digital is coming directly from citizens themselves.

Public sector organizations are not exempt from the technology demands that are driving innovation in other consumer service spaces. Citizens have come to expect more from their local governments in terms of self-service, access, and personalization. This has fueled a push for the modernization of existing systems and a move to create spaces for enhanced consumer interactions online. In a recent survey, Accenture reported that more than 65% of public service leaders were prioritizing the development of personalized citizen experiences.

Digital strategies are becoming more focused on streamlining operations to generate a more citizen-centric experience. This means going beyond the simple establishment of access portals or websites and applying high-level analytics and, in some cases, artificial intelligence, for tracking in order to better understand citizens’ motivations, needs, and preferences. Cognitive technologies and behavioral science are among the top trends listed for government transformation in 2020.

Organizations that are successfully modernizing with their citizens in mind are reaping benefits on multiple levels. Not only does this kind of deep analysis offer an opportunity for process improvement, greater efficiency, and a better distribution of resources; it results in opportunities for transparency that reinforce public trust and conveniences that improve overall citizen engagement. This however, is not without challenges. Protecting organizational information and citizen data remain a top concern, one reflected in cybercrime activity; 70% of ransomware attacks in 2019 targeted state and local governments.

Professional strives to provide service offerings that are at the forefront of technological advances. Not only do we provide our clients and their citizens with dedicated portals which provide transparency and convenience for account management, but we utilize top-tier security tactics to ensure the protection of their sensitive data. Additionally, Professional Credit employs speech analytics technology to analyze 100% of citizen interactions in order to identify behavioral trends. This allows us to continuously improve our services for citizens and supply our clients with significant insights into their communities.